
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sex. Part 1

I don't know about you, but I've heard the word sex before.

I've heard it in derogatory contexts, college contexts & occasionally love contexts. As far as I've been informed, you can fuck, bang, sleep with, bone, have sex with and make love.

I don't subscribe to any of these. Anymore.

I started studying tantra a few weeks ago and it has changed my life. My previous belief system about engaging with another person shattered and was immediately replaced by something so magical, so real that I will never go back...

More in part 2;-)


  1. made me smile when i read the title.. cant wait for more ;)

  2. Love it!! I have actually been thinking about tantra for the last couple months. Can you recommend a good book or website?

    Thanks Lady:)


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