
Thursday, March 4, 2010

A look back in time...

Tonight I have been going through my life, corner by crevice by corner and throwing away, burning, etc. all the old stuff...22 years of it.  A full post on this to come shortly...

However, in the moment I am deleting my Myspace account & came across old blogs I wrote. I wanted to share them with you. This was a time I was reading a lot into Buddism.

-----------I love you--------------

Thursday, June 21, 2007 

Current mood:  chipper
last year i saw rebecca giddens, 3rd place olympian slalom boater, compete at the kern river fest.
i decided i loved the way she looked "dancing" in her boat with so much precision and class.
i looked all over online for people who could teach me.
no one was to be found.
**------a year and a half later----**
i went to golden.
25 minutes from boulder.
we saw a whitewater rodeo where guys and chicks do tricks in waves.
i met rebecca giddens coach and they're taking new people to train, especially women right now.
he's working with the french, iranian, chinese and canadian teams.
he's way cool and ready to get me in the water and start teaching me the techniques... FOR FREE.

the point of this story is to remind that things will come full circle, keep an eye out for the next best thing and make sure your golden dreams come second to none. 

Saturday, May 26, 2007 
you know the drug. you've had it before. it tastes delicious, or it did when you were a baby. It's exciting, rejuvenating, fantastic! 

you know the days when you stop and say: it's got to change?
it did. from meat, to vegitarian to raw.  have you heard of raw?

I'll explain: Eating "raw" means eating foods that are still alive.. .and NO, not fish off their bones while they are still squirming, but fruit, fresh sprouts, nuts and all sorts of variety in between.
I've NEVER had more energy... I've always been energetic and loved life, but this has sky rocketed the energy, the mood (i'm a lot less WOAH in my day to day and can actually tolerate everything) and everything else.  I still drink coffee as my vice, however, that will probably go after i get to Boulder...

If you have low energy days or a low energy life... OR IF you know that you just want to take a drug.... that's not a drug at all... look up "eating raw" online and try it for just a day... or incorporate it into your diet with meat and other things.  I'm NOT telling you to go raw, I'm just enlightening you about how GOOD it feels.
You may just LOVE it! 


Thursday, May 03, 2007 

Current mood:  calm
Category: Life
you're amazing. you're beautiful and you're worth it. you've made a believer out of someone. someone lives for your smile.

you are doing your best and your best is good enough.

it doesn't matter how you change the world, as long as you change it.
it doesn't matter who you love, as long as you show it.
it matters that you're here.
it matters that you do something with your life. it doesn't matter what.

smile more. remember that it will all be okay in the end.

remember that we'll always be friends.
take inspiration in all forms.  it's your spirt in action.

Thursday, April 05, 2007 
Dear Terra:

Please wake up and realize that your one wild and precious life is going on everyday.  You are too stressed, drink too much coffee and don't have enough time for things you want to do. The river hasn't seen your boat in months, your bike hasn't seen a decent trail in months and your climbing gear is getting so sick of the gym it wants to quit you and find a new owner.

I hope you get a clue soon and realize that it doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, as long as you're somewhere doing something that makes a difference.




Friday, February 16, 2007 

Current mood:  awake
when a carmel macchiato won't fix it. when ice cream, sleep, food, excerise won't cut it. when you've over committed and won't back out of it. when monday comes and you day dream about friday sleep. when you've over exerted, over comitted and over acted. where do you start?

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