
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sex & Consciousness

Hello Gorgeous!

As you probably already know, I was introduced to the concept of sacred sexuality back in December. Like RAW food, I was like wait...THAT exists?

I immediately wanted to learn more. As I had understood sex from a young age was that a man and woman have vaginal intercourse, the guy ejaculates, the female might orgasm but most don't or they fake it, which is totally acceptable, and then you move on with your life. Sometimes it's enjoyable and you don't sleep with more than one person at a time. You don't cheat. These are the rules. Play by them or be called a slut.

Seriously though, is that ALL sex is?

Have you ever questioned your view of sex?

Because mine is completely different than it was 6 months ago. Completely.

This weekend I'm spending in Sedona at a conference called Sex & Consciousness. It's about being present when you are with someone, admiring them, enjoying their energy. Having a mutual exchange of love. Bringing in the love. It might sound rather "out there" but the essence of it all is love. Just love. Universal & personal.

Let me tell you, there have been plenty of uncomfortable instances this weekend in learning and meeting people who teach tantra (& help people heal sexually) but the overall experience has opened up my entire being to new possibilities. It's amazing how "stuck" our culture is sexually...and it's really sad.

When I started to think about it, we really are a culture & specifically a generation wedged between a hugely profitable porn industry and our "little" selves that are supposed to be great at sex, look sexy and know exactly what we're doing even though we haven't been taught and the main connections we experience are through the computer or with our cell phones. I don't judge this, but it is our current reality and I think it's really important to look at.

Let me ask you, could you sit facing your love and look deep into their eyes for 5 minutes, 30 seconds even? Could you hug them, your head to the right of theirs (heart to heart), fully pressing your body to theirs and breathe with them?

Today, I had the most awakening experience. I was in a class and we did a partner exercise. We were sitting in chairs across from each other and looked at each other eye to eye. Then, this person took my hands and admired them. He sat there and looked at them, tracing the lines, feeling the fingers and just enjoyed my hands. We were told to breathe together, so we did. As I breathed in, so did he and as I let go, as did he. That was it. We closed, said Namaste and listened to the teacher again. It was sensual.

My hands felt like they were pure light. They felt gorgeous, loved & I felt so safe. Safe to express myself as Terra Rose, safe as a human being. Why? Because he WANTED to be there looking at my hands. There was no time limit, there were no expectations, it was just pure timelessness in a timed world. Pure love for the whole of humanity being focused on the lines of my hands.


I love love love love you.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I was spending a gorgeous CA evening with one of the most amazing people I know (besides you of course!) and we got to talking about the subject of health. Surprise, surprise.

He told me that he had changed a few things in his life and has never felt more confident, grounded & at peace. SHARE was the first thing out of my mouth, as who doesn't want to feel this way?!

He noted that he had been eating hemp seeds (about a cup) with coconut oil. It activates your brain because you get the necessary DHA you need. The coconut oil increases the absorption rate of the DHA from 5% to 10%. A cup of this stuff at one time is a lot, but start wherever you please!

The other thing he shared was that he has totally dedicated himself to re-mineralizing his body. If you read or watch David Wolfe at all, you know that the single best thing you can do for your body is to remineralize it. So many, if not all bodily systems in one form or another, run on electrical impulses which rely on minerals. So he has been putting red & black Hawaiian salt in his water, Himilayian salt & using trace minerals.

Wa-la! Simplicity with amazing results. I've started mineralizing more heavily & trying out the brain power food. So far, so love it!


Shall we dream together baby?

"There will be times in life when you learn people never believed in you. The important thing now lies only in your relationship with self & your ability to believe in your ability & dreams above all else."

I love love love love you!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I AM a Millionaire

I decided today that I live the best life ever. No, seriously, like THE BEST.

Not only that, but I will decide that day after day after day for the rest of my life. Why? Why the hell not?! Seriously, would you rather decide that you live the best life ever with a few things maybe out of place or something other than the best ever and let those little things define you. That's what I thought;-)

So, I decided that while living the best life ever, I'm also a millionaire. Right now, I'm a millionaire in my mind, in my heart and the pocket book will quickly follow suit.

This evening, I started acting like a millionaire too. What would a millionaire do? I don't know for sure, but I know how this millionaire acts.

So, I washed my dishes. Millionaires do not like clutter, it clutters their minds.

I did laundry & actually folded it. Millionaires look nice (generally).

I sat on my balcony, ate my home made meal and watched the sun set, listened to the birds tweet & thought about how grateful I am. Because realistically, that's what millionaires do.

Tonight, I am making plans, preparing website content, packing for my upcoming trips & writing my second ever business check for the most amazing business cards. Because really, that's what this millionaire does.

More millionaire doings soon. I'd love to know how you act like a millionaire so I can play like you too!!

The point is, fake it until you make it..that's what mama always said!

I love love love love YOU!

Emotional RE: Lease

Up until two days ago, I thought I had a pretty good grasp on my emotional body. I never blew up at people, never really broke down crying and felt that I had pretty well "mastered my emotions", as I've read so many times in spiritual books, etc.

I was presented with the very real possibility that not only did I not have a grasp on my emotions but I was just completely ignoring them, shut off cold to them and had decided to go on my merry little way as if life was de bubbles.

Turns out, I had quite a few emotions to express, one being anger and the other being the F-word. Okay, well I guess the F-word is not an emotion, but I'd like to suggest it be added as one. So, after a huge argument, the first one in a very long time, I cried, beat my pillow, screamed, laid down on the floor punching & kicking, got back up and did it all over again. It was very lady like. NOT.

But when I was finished, I felt so free. I was no longer "angry at" the person (which I don't believe you are ever truly angry at anyone, they just happen to push your buttons of sensitivity and you react, or in my case, don't) and I had one of the most productive days of my life.

Not only that, a lot of my self sabotage was gone. I don't attribute it all to my emotional release because I spent the weekend in CA healing with BodyTalk but it was the icing on the cake and probably even a few of the ingredients.

So, I'm grateful. And the lesson is simply that if you feel mad, get mad. Tell the other person you're angry. Not at them, because really no matter what they do, you're not mad at them, you're really just mad. If you're sad, cry. If you're happier than heck, laugh until you pee your pants. It's HEALTHY to express emotions...little did I know;-)

I love love love love you!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I dare you 2... start.

Day 2 of Living the Best Life Ever.

Love. love. LOVE. lovE.

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