"It's not a matter of whether or not your body can do it, it's a matter of how you let your mind command your body."
This randomly came out of my mouth while I was running a few minutes ago. I like it. It says to me: you have total control over your body at all times, if you choose to make use of it.
Thursday was rough. I felt really tired and spacey all day. The right side of my head hurt really bad. It felt like there was a metal clamp running from the top of my right eye over my head to the base of my scull and somewhere in the middle someone was wrapping the metal around a pole and pulling it up. The pain was from stress, detox and over exposure to electromagnetism (specifically the fluorescent lights and the computers in my office). At this point, I became aware that it was a physical AND emotional detox. I had negative thoughts coming through my mind all day, things I hadn't though about in years. On top of that, I was craving caramel macchiatos from the moment I opened my eyes in the am. When you go through detox, often times the past symptom (such as pain), cravings or thoughts will come up. IF you can sit with it, they will pass and you will lighter that you ever imagined possible. In times past, I would have quit raw right then and there, but because I made such a loud commitment to it, I took a nap, drank a lot of water and grounded out by making RAW Almond Cookies (oh and, confession...I made "Chewy Chocolate Freezer Fudge" too). So delicious!!!!!!!!!!
*Recipe Time*
Both compliments of the AMAZING book, "Raw Food, Real World" by Matthew Kenney & Sarma Melngailis
Raw Almond Cookies:
4 cups coarse almond flour
1 cup almond butter
3 tablespoons agave nectar
1/2 cup raw honey or date paste
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons sea salt
2 packets stevia (optional)-->I didn't add these!!
Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. Munch on the raw dough...or...put in a dehyrator (or oven on warm) for awhile. Pull them out occasionally and see how they taste. They don't have to get to a certain temperature, so enjoy!
Chewy Chocolate Freezer Fudge:
2 cups almond butter (one 16-ounce jar)
1/4 cup cacao
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons maple syrup (I use agave nectar)
1 heaping tablespoon coconut butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt
Combine all the ingredients. You can put these into little candy molds, but I just put it in a glass bowl and stuck it in the freezer, covered. The next morning, I pulled it out, cut it up and indulged! Y-U-M-M-Y!
And on to today. It was gorgeous out and I had activities outside all day long. When I left the house really early this morning, I took my little brother, Ean, (who is in fact the coolest little brother ever) to the bagel shop. He got a plain bagel with cream cheese. At first I was fine. Then, as he ate it and made those, "oh, yum...Terra this is delicious!!" noises and comments, I began salivating. Now, Ean is 10 and it would not be cool to rip his breakfast out of his hand and scarf it down. But I did anyway. Ha. Just kidding. I have to admit though, it was tough not asking for a little bite, but I made this commitment to raw, right...right...? And come hell or high water I'm going to stick to it (unless of course, for physical, mental or emotional reasons it becomes unhealthy or dangerous at which point I would not for a second think of continuing.)
I actually didn't eat much today. I ate 5 oranges & 2 grapefruit plus grapefruit juice, a green juice with wheatgrass, cucumber, parsley, apple, lemon, some almond cookies, a small piece of freezer fudge, cashews and some aloe juice. It's been really interesting getting further into this lifestyle. My body asked for oranges and grapefruit all day, so I ate them, literally, all day long...juice
my chin and drying on my hands. They were amazing, the perfect compliment to any Saturday. The best part is that I'm not hungry at all this evening and my mind is here, with you, not on food (except writing about it:-)Wiggle-Ometer Update!
It has officially been 9 full days, so here it goes...
It has officially been 9 full days, so here it goes...
*Waist: 36 1/4"
*L & R Arms: 12"
*Right Thigh: 23 3/4"
*Butt: 41"
T H E :F A C T S
I've lost 8 pounds.
I haven't worn a bra since the 1st.
I haven't washed my hair with soap since the 1st. (Only baking soda and apple cider vinegar AND no, I don't smell strange:-))
I still don't have a shower head to filter the chlorine & fluoride out. Next paycheck.
I am having challenges drinking only spring water and have not been totally successful. We ran out of spring water. I have, however, been very specific about the water I drink.
My energy fluctuates a lot. Today I was really tired. Yesterday, I had a ton of energy. It's a process.
My ability to bounce back when something other than the best ever happens has increased a million fold. Overall, I feel so much more vibrant AND very friendly. It's a lot of fun walking around wanting to say HI to people instead of trying to avoid eye contact. Yay.
I am getting VERY goal specific.
I am eliminating what I no longer need.
I am detoxing. Often.
I am taking a stand for what I believe in, now, more than ever.
I haven't worn a bra since the 1st.
I haven't washed my hair with soap since the 1st. (Only baking soda and apple cider vinegar AND no, I don't smell strange:-))
I still don't have a shower head to filter the chlorine & fluoride out. Next paycheck.
I am having challenges drinking only spring water and have not been totally successful. We ran out of spring water. I have, however, been very specific about the water I drink.
My energy fluctuates a lot. Today I was really tired. Yesterday, I had a ton of energy. It's a process.
My ability to bounce back when something other than the best ever happens has increased a million fold. Overall, I feel so much more vibrant AND very friendly. It's a lot of fun walking around wanting to say HI to people instead of trying to avoid eye contact. Yay.
I am getting VERY goal specific.
I am eliminating what I no longer need.
I am detoxing. Often.
I am taking a stand for what I believe in, now, more than ever.
Alright...I'm off!
So much love and total success to you and your journey!!
P.S. A few people have mentioned to me that they will not give up meat. My view on life is that it's a journey so why not experience every side of it. If you feel so inclined, just give recipes, cleanses...whatever else that comes up in here... a try, see what it tastes like...throw it on the ceiling or scarf it down in one bite. Whatever works for you...do that.