
Thursday, April 15, 2010

an energetic matrix.

I stood in the middle of Changing Hands last week with a fully loaded debit card from my last pay check and didn't want to buy a single thing. Not-a-one.

My awareness opened and I felt as if I already intuitively knew all the information in the entire book store...& beyond.

But why?

I obviously haven't awoke in the middle of April with delusions of being an infinite, almighty genius. So, what was the deal?

Well, I have a theory...

All the information you could ever need or wish to learn exists in the "Air" all around you. The only thing is that this "Air" is not air (well it is but is is energetic matrix of energy & information. So, everything that has ever been thought, expressed or created throughout time is available to anyone at anytime. This is obvious to us via the internet because we experience this through our senses, site, touch, sound, etc. We can get online, search in "Google" & there we have the information we want, or close to it. Unfortunately, this method is not perfect.

I believe it's not so obvious to us otherwise, as in coming out of thin air, because we have become so dependent on our physical senses.

To try better to define what I'm talking about, have you ever been asked a question along a subject matter you sort of knew something about and then you were able to give this long answer but called it "pulling it out of your *backthere*". Well, it's likely that a lot of what you said was true and that you were actually pulling it out of this matrix.

The best way I've found to fine tune the ability to pull information "out of thin air" is be in silence a little bit more. For example, I quit listening to the radio in my car (okay, and here's the honest part...because it stopped working!) so I drive in silence. But after only a half hour of feeling sorry for myself that my radio quit working, new thoughts started coming into my mind, inspiration happened and by the time I got to my destination, I was so excited about life and all the amazing things I knew about, I could hardly remember where I was going or what I was doing...

Anyhow, my point is that the universe is unlimited. Whether you look at it spiritually or scientifically, it's still unlimited. We can't thoroughly define anything and doing so only limits ourselves and our perception of what is.

So, baby, just for today... be unlimited.

LOVE love love love!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Beginnings...& Shampoo

It's officially the eve of new beginnings. I can't believe it's come so fast.

Tomorrow I'm finished with my job at Best Buddies & I start my "big girl life." ;-)

I feel so giddy & not once have I looked at the decision and regreted it...just streamlining forward. There is so much to do when starting a business & so much energy is necessary to get things off the ground, but I know it's the best thing I could be doing with my time.

The next few months are totally booked which is VERY exciting!!! In two weeks, I head to CA for BodyTalk Modules 4 & 7 followed by a meeting to become an Independent Contractor for one of my all time favorite companies. (More details soon lovesies!)

Next, I am off to Sedona for another conference, up to Silverton, CO to visit family, over to Austin, Texas, up to New Jersey/New York and then off to the Netherlands & Greece. Wow, I feel so grateful for such an amazing line up!!

I want to share that I started washing my hair again.

In the middle of March, my head started to itch and I thought, wow, that's strange. By the end of the day, I was so upset about my hair that I just wanted to sit down and cry, again. While it was starting to level out a little bit after 75 days of not washing it with anything but apple cider, baking soda & lemon, it had its ups and downs and I realized that I just didn't feel....CLEAN. These feelings took a huge toll on my self confidence & it hit me like...a ton of bricks that it just isn't worth it to feel like this. In fact, it's ruining my ability to have the best health ever because of these toxic thoughts.

I think no-poo is great for some people and I think it's great for people who don't live in the city, but right here and now for me, it just isn't the best solution ever.

So, I scoured Whole Foods "Whole Body" department for an hour reading ingredient labels and finally settled on Ultra Aestetics MSM Shampoo and Conditioner. There is one mild soap in it that is biodegradable as far as I can tell. I only have to wash my hair once every 2-4 days now because the oils no longer over produce like they used to.

After I washed my hair with it, an undeniable excitement came over me. It became clear that ego should not stand in the way of health, in any sense. It had for me because I was determined not to wash my hair...but why? To prove a point? I'm still doing great things for my body & the as far as I'm's even better than the alternative!

Well, that's it for today...

Much love love love love.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

5.5 Miles Later...

...I felt calm, peaceful, strong & gorgeous. I was nothing short of completely sweaty from head to toe and my feet were throbbing.

I hadn't run over 3 miles in over a year but I had set my mind to it Friday and made it happen. Running has become like meditation for me. Thoughts flow in and out and I begin to better understand the essence of life on a new level.

One thought that keeps coming to me is this: people replace 200,000,000,000 cells per day. Yes, that's billion. Basically, your entire body is replaced every 7 years and most of it is replaced in the first year. Every 4 months, some of your major organs are completely replaced (on a cellular level). But cells are all that we have/all that we are made up of. So what does this mean?

This means that our outward appearance and the way we feel inside is almost completely governed by out mind. Stretch marks? Wrinkles? What else... cellulite...can all be dissolved if we no longer BELIEVE they are there. Yes, there is scientific data behind WHY stretch marks, wrinkles & cellulite exist, however, the first thing you have to do is change the belief that they are there in the first place. Right, because EVERYTHING that exists once had to be imagined, right? Come along, now, shall we play a little make believe?

Imagine what it looks like when it's totally gone...what does it look like to have perfect skin, a gorgeous, tight butt and phenomenal legs? Can't imagine it on yourself? Put you in your perfect body (in your mind's eye) and check you out. Damn...

My friend said to me the other day, "My life is so stuck." And I told her to start eating raw foods, cut the crap out of her diet and start complimenting everyone she knows. She told me that maybe when she found another job & things got better she would try it. The point is that if you don't TRY to shift something and dis-guard it as something that "just won't work", it NEVER will work for you.

"Reasons or results." -T. Harv Eker

Post Run Recovery Smoothie:
*Raw almond butter
*Vitamineral Green
*Blue-green Algae
*Earth Minerals
*Maca Root
*Coconut Oil
*Coconut Flakes
*Sedona Spring Water
*Hemp protein powder

Love. love. LoVe. LOVE.

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