
Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Elastic Breasts

Oh wait, you mean to tell me that breast cancer is preventable? Oh my gosh, and, maybe even curable?

No way.

I'm sure you sense the sarcasm but seriously, the victim mentality is getting old. Not poor you.

Yay you that you have a choice. 

The first choice is to prevent it and the second choice is to cure it.

Emotionally, the breasts represent nourishment & nurturing, sensuality, sexuality, respect and acceptance. It's a wonder that so many people are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. How many people are undernourished either physically (not eating or absorbing what their bodies need), mentally (intellectual conversation deficit...or worse, draining conversations that deplete any nourishment you did have), emotionally (loving enough & feeling loved, quality, positive friendships, romantic gestures, things you do for yourself without guilt), spiritually (whatever that is that makes you come alive).
Look at your breasts. Are they providing and being provided for (literally & figuratively)? Seriously, we're talking some good ole' lovin' here!

The title of this blog is "My Elastic Breasts" and for good reason. Just before the new year, I totally quit wearing a bra. It's sweater season so no one can really tell anyway. I am about a B size and it was really strange at first. People kind of stared at me weird when they noticed and I felt weird because I knew.  Occasionally I wore a camisole that would hold them in place but NO WIRES ever. One day, about two weeks into January I hopped on my mini trampoline and about 10 minutes into my workout, discovered that I wasn't wearing any support. Three weeks before, my breasts would have really hurt going up and down like that but they felt elastic! Then I noticed that my stretch marks were going away too....

Wait a minute...does this mean that the tissue in my breasts got stronger and that it was able to totally support my breasts during exercise annnnnd the whole day? YES! That's exactly what it means. I didn't even know they had the potential to get "stronger", awesome?! AND they are never sore, ever!

So all is well and great with my breasts, but what about yours?

Tricks (to help) prevent breast cancer:
*STOP WEARING WIRE BRAS (or stop wearing bras altogether...depending on your size). Wire bras cut off circulation to the lymphatic system and cause a major backup. The lymph system is your bodies main garbage disposal and the only system in the body that does not pump itself (which is why exercise is SOOOO critically important) If you wear a wire bra, it clogs everything up, stuffing toxins deeper and deeper into your tissues thereby, creating dis-ease...disease....cancer.
Just google "organic bras" online and you'll find plenty to purchase or adopt wearing camis

* Go topless. In the sunshine (or figure out a way to be in the sunshine) bare breasted. There are statements all over the place right now stating that Vitamin D can eliminate breast cancer completely. It's been evident for a long time, but it can be found almost anywhere now.

*Exercise. (Jump rope, dance, yoga, run...whatever...just move)

*Kick refined sugar (refined & hydrogenated everything from your diet)

*Love on your breasts. Grab some Vitamin E oil and rub it on your breasts. It will help to reduce the stretch marks and give them that nurturing attention they so often lack. Change the thought from "You're too big/too small/too uneven/too ugly" to "I love you and you're perfect, thank you for serving me so well!"
If you have a partner, try creating a sensual routine where you admire and love your breasts together. This doesn't have to be a sexual thing, but beyond that. It can be something that you do privately and that works to nurture your femininity in a healthy, supportive way.

*(NEW) Deodorant=No. We've talked about this before, but get seriously picky about the deodorant you wear and on weekends or when it's cold out, go without. I just learned (and I will find the resource again) that the crystal deodorants that claim to be natural contain aluminum...DON'T USE THEM AT ANY COST. Remember to steer very clear of ANYTHING with aluminum and the other ingredients on my "deodorant blog list".  

*All these things can also help work towards a cure. If you have breast cancer, consider seeking professional help for a detoxification of parasites & heavy metals from your system. Get your lymph functioning properly with exercise & energy work. Drink A TON of fresh veggie juice (no sugars including carrots, beets, etc.)  The most important thing is to keep a kick butt, can-do attitude!

One of my great teachers always says, "You can't cure a poor lifestyle."

Love. love. LoVe. LOVe.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I ate a poisonous Blackberry...

Oh no I didn't, I bought one.

On Sunday, February 7, 2010 after 10 months without my "beloved" Blackberrry and a few outside influences (namely this crazy successful millionaire I heard speak at a conference who told us to get plugged in, buy a Smartphone...yadda yadda), I bought the updated Blackberry Curve at my local Verizon store (no track ball this time, it's touch!)

So, I brought it home and started using it. 48 hours later, I had the same alternating numbing/shooting pain in my right shoulder blade, the right side of my head (the side that I talk most on) was tingly and my eye was drooping.  DROOPING! Okay, so I can handle self induced things like hair that isn't perfect or gorgeous skin from eating raw food (love it...) but droopy eyes and shooting pain? Uh, no.

But maybe it was something else. Okay, so I kept the berry and continued on.  A few days into the work week, surrounded by florescent lights, my computer and berry, I felt like I was held in a lock of constant adrenaline. I couldn't come down off the high but I knew that if I didn't do it myself, I would crash... bad.

So, I went over to:

Chakra 4 (AWESOME restaurant in Phoenix, 20th Street and Camelback)
and had some calming tea and warm soup. It helped a lot.

THEN. On to the beginning of this week. Feeling rather high strung and a bit jittery (which had not yet happened on raw food), I felt like I had to eat cooked food. I felt like I didn't have a choice. Come Valentine's Day, I ate some other than the best ever refined sugar and BAM. 

Stress + Refined Sugar + Lack of Sleep - Probiotics + Overloaded with EMF's= SICK.

So, I don't get sick, really ever. My immune system typically kicks butt, however, it was so overloaded it had to UNLOAD which is what happens when we get sick (like colds and flus). These are actually a good thing if they happen naturally (not because you got a flu shot). So, this week I have been major detoxing with this cold and I decided that I'd had enough Blackberry.

So, two weeks and 151 unread Blackberry e-mails later, I drove myself back to the Verizon store, receipt in hand and waited for them to call my name. A really sweet lady called me over and asked me what I needed.

"I need to return this phone."
"Okay, it didn't work out for you?"
"How come?"
"Well, it lowered my immune system, made me jittery and gave me pains in my body from the EMF's. I'm really senstive to energy."
"Oh, wow, I'm sorry. Yeah, I've heard of quite a few people having those issues."

WAIT. WHAT?! She JUST TOLD ME... huh?!

So, this lady who works Customer Service at Verizon KNOWS that people have these problems? Knows that my phone ties for 3rd highest radiation of all phones on the market today. Knows that this is happening to other people. AND THERE AREN'T ANY WARNING LABELS? Okay, even if you're not going to warn me, can you PLEASE at least put a "disclaimer"?

To be fair, I didn't read the entire manual, so there might be a disclaimer...but I'd guess not. And I think that HUMAN HEALTH is kind of a HUGE deal when selling a product that has serious potential to alter that. They should tell you upon purchase. They wont' lose very many sales as the "inconclusive" research is coming out in droves that cell phones are causing brain tumors...and no one cares. However, for the occastional customer such as myself, they should tell you.

Anyway, I hooked back up my 2001 phone, compliments of Jim last May, and am happy as a clam. Just think though, the effects that has on me could happen to anyone. It happens to me around computers, TVs, Microwaves, etc.

Just pay attention to your environment and the effects it's having on you. What is altering your mood? Your thoughts? Your actions? Your relationships?

Anyway, I think that if I would have kept up on taking my probiotics (as I mentioned above), I may have avoided getting sick...which may not have been a great thing unless the pro's could have killed the other than best ever bacteria and not supressed it. Ever met an unhealthy person (bad habits, overweight, etc.) that "never gets sick?" Well, they have serious disease growing in their body from surpressing emotions, food additives, refinded sugar...da da da da...You can count on it.

Here's a few tips about probiotics I learned today:
Probiotics= Kimchi, Saurkraut, Coconut Kefir or High Quality Probiotic.
What is high quality?
Make sure that the supplement does not have magnesium sterate or titanium dioxide. MS is huge disadvantage. Creates a biofilm in the intestine and limits absorption!
Make sure you have a high potency Probiotic. More than 5 million per strain.
Make sure the company is doing objective testing, certifying the amount of organism and that the ones listed on the bottle are actually in the product.
No perfect strain for everyone. If one isn't working, try another product.

AVOID Yogurt: Because it is made with pasteurized milk & refined sugar. It did have live bacteria but it no longer does...making it of very questionable value.

(I got this information from one of Dr. Mercola's videos)

Anyway, I hope you had the best week ever.

LOVE. Love. love. LOVE.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sugar Hangovers

Gooood Afternoon and Happy MONDAY!

I have the day off today, which totally rocks.

If you're feeling sugary hangovers at all from a wild Valentine's is a quick help you back up:

*Grab a quart of water and juice a lemon. Throw them together with a little cayenne pepper and wha la. It will begin to break up the mucus and help you detox the excess sugar in your body. Repeat as many times as you feel necessary.

*You can also grab some oranges and eat them down, add a little fresh ginger if you can. All of these are super healers!

Have the best evening ever!!

Love lovelove love.

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