
Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Kind of Pharmacy

I went to Chef Sara's raw food prep class today. She's a hoot! I had a GREAT time.

I love the info below that she prepared. Check it out and have the best night ever!!!

God's Pharmacy

It's been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, made animals and fish... all before making a human. God made and provided what we'd need before we were born. These foods are best and more powerful when eaten raw. God left us a great clue as to what foods help what part of our body!

A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye... and YES, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.
Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food.
Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.
Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums.  Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We now know walnuts help develop more than three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.
Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.
Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% calcium. If you don't have enough calcium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.
Avocadoes, Eggplant and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this?  It takes exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (mo dern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).
Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility.
Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.
Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries
Oranges, Grapefruits, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.
Onions look like the body's cells. Research shows onions clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. Garlic also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body.


I have begun to discover myself, but only begun.

I have discovered that I possess iron will power and that it is my time to make full use of it. Doing anything but is unacceptable for my life.

I have discovered that some times I have to return to the drawing board, as I did this week, when it comes to my eating routine. I ate chocolate cake and an egg breakfast (among a few other cooked/not-so-healthy foods). None of it was all that satisfying & when I woke up this morning, I had aches in my body and felt really stiff. That was enough confirmation for me.

So, with a little bit of loving help, I returned to that board and came up with a smoothie regimen that I think will work. You see, preparing all your food is not only work but it takes time to get creative so you don't get bored.  Super-food smoothies & huge salads are on the list for the next few weeks. Smoothies are great because you can mix it up.

As a base, I love:
  • Frozen blueberries
  • Raw cacao 
  • Spirulina
  • FIltered water
  • Raw honey (Raw Macuna Honey from New Zealand is some of THE BEST you can get!!)
  • From here, add, change, enjoy!

I have discovered that my purpose, more or less, is to become the best health coach & energy healer (BodyTalk) ever.

I have discovered that a base of raw foods is the only thing a person needs to start healing. Don't go all raw or put a percentage on it. Just pick up some freakin' fruits and veggies and put them in your mouth.  Along with that, I've discovered that I haven't been eating enough fruit. I've read fruit is great, fruit is bad, fruit is necessary, fruit has too much sugar.

I like fruit. Fruit feels good. So with all due respect, shut up.

I've discovered that no one actually knows what's good for my body. Except me. That's kinda a bitch. I mean really, I was just hoping to have someone else tell me what I should do, when and how and why so I could go on mindlessly doing it. Sorry Terra, that's not reality. That's not reality unless you want to be a mindless, neighborhood-mind-absorbed, brainwashed, smelly person. Which, by the way, I don't.

I've discovered that someone's got to say it because most people don't know and the one's who do aren't really talking.

I've discovered that most of the media is brainwashing you.
      Most marketing is trying only to sell you, whether it benefits you or NOT.
      That the largest corporation selling & promoting organic food has their own brand that is produced in China.
      That everything that claims to be USDA Certified Organic and that comes from China is total B.S.
      That everything that claims to be USDA Certified Organic and that comes from the U.S. is total B.S. NO ONE regulates that. It costs $800 or more to become certified, so the little guys can't do it. They want the farmers money and don't give a rats behind what they put on the products. That stuff at the large grocery stores that is the size of your head, is not in fact organic. If it's waxey, waney, coated, bloated, it's not organic. Mark my words.
       Buy local. Seriously, save yourself.

I've discovered that I love living alone. I love myself and I love you.

I've discovered that I love being around people, meeting them, learning about them, exchanging experiences and journey's.

I've discovered that it's not about being perfect, it's about invincible determination and nothing short of it.

I've discovered true, divine love.

I've discovered me.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

TRAVEL DANGER: Ionized Radiation

Security Threat from Within
by Dr. Sir Gabriel Cousens, M.D., M.D. (H), D.D.

"Liberty is to the collective body what health is to every individual body. Without health, no pleasure can be tasted by man; without liberty no happiness can be enjoyed by society"
~ Thomas Jefferson

Now that we have recovered from the swine flu vaccination
threat to our health and wellbeing, a new threat, using another level of security scare, is being used to expose the flying population to either excessive ionizing radiation or ultra high frequency radiation.  Thanks to the radical Muslim effort, or whomever is behind this, to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day 2009, TSA Security Laboratory Director Susan Hallowell recently announced the agency’s intent to use back-scatter X-ray machines for passenger surveillance (photo below). 
Obviously we need to refine our screening techniques to provide maximum safety for our air travel. This is not our objection.  Our objection is that these X-ray machines, being field tested at JFK, LAX, and Orlando, penetrate a few centimeters into the skin and reflect back out a naked body image.  While some will view this as a personal violation, this is not the immediate problem. Thomas Wiggins, a radiation company engineer, admits that before 9/11, proposing such a system would be like ordering his own death sentence.  He has changed his mind and now states that they could “scan a pregnant woman 200 times without a health risk”.  This is an entirely scientifically fallacious statement.

Those implementing this near-sighted, and ultimately genocidal, agenda have deliberately ignored the outstanding research of Dr. John Gofman, Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley (photo left) showing that THERE IS NO SAFE DOSE OF IONIZED RADIATION . This statement is based on years of serious unbiased research.  Ionizing radiation in the X-ray spectrum damages and mutates both chromosomal DNA and structural proteins in human cells. If this damage is not repaired, it can lead to cancer.  X-rays also damage the interior walls of the arteries.  These radiation damaged cells are unable to process lipoproteins correctly, resulting in atherosclerotic plaques and mini tumors in the arteries thus stimulating atherosclerosis and heart disease.
Dr. Gofman’s studies indicate that radiation from medical diagnostics and treatment is a causal co-factor in 50% of America’s cancers and 60% of our ischemic (blood flow blockage) heart disease. He stresses that the frequency with which Americans are medically X-rayed “makes for a significant radiological impact.”  The bottom line is that the more people are exposed to these higher doses of radiation the greater their risk of real life-threatening cancer and heart disease. 

A report in the British medical journal Lancet noted that after breast mammograms were introduced in 1983, the incidence of ductal carcinoma (12% of breast cancer) increased by 328%, of which 200% was due to the use of mammography itself. A Lawrence Berkeley National Lab study has demonstrated that breast tissue is extremely susceptible to radiation-induced cancer, confirming warnings by numerous experts that mammograms can initiate the very cancers they may later identify. Dr. Gofman believes that medical radiation is a co-factor in 75% of breast cancer cases. With this information, it would not be very intelligent to expose your breasts to radiation from X-ray machines at airports.  This is an explicit danger to American women. (Infrared mammography is a far safer diagnostic tool.  Research shows that flesh-eating women have a higher rate of breast cancer.  A plant-source only diet is the best protection against breast cancer.)  We always have to analyze the risks and benefits.  In this case the risks of women dying from the radiation from these machines far outweigh the risk of death caused by a terrorist high-jacking airplanes.
  That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t improve security, but these procedures must not introduce a scientifically proven life-threatening hazard to our health.  Already, because of our toxic lifestyle, America’s cancer rates are rising in every category.  It is a well known fact that airline pilots and cabin crews suffer more skin and breast cancer due to higher levels of radiation while flying.  Dr. Abram Petkau has uncovered significant statistical research showing that a pregnant woman flying in an airplane, in her first trimester exposes her baby to enough radiation to increase its risk of leukemia sixteen times.  I, myself, have measured radiation at 30,000 feet using a radiation counter and found it to be ten times higher at this altitude than on the ground.  To add additional lethal radiation to people, already getting an unhealthy dose from flying, when there are other alternatives, seems genocidal, whether conscious or unconscious.

The other source of surveillance being considered is ultra high frequency radio waves.  There are scanners available that produce a frequency 1000 times higher than is healthfully advisable.  Some examples of this are radar, producing a wide variety of radiations, causing cancer and neurological problems.  Microwaves are also noted to cause cancer in areas in which people are exposed.  Swedish research on the use of ultra sound technologies on fetuses indicate that it may cause subtle brain damage, and may be associated with delayed development in infants, as well as learning disorders.

The attempted terrorist attacks do create some concern.  We do need to think about appropriate security without creating a screening system lethal to our population.  Although I am sure these extremists and terrorists would support such a lethal screening system with great humor. 
There are many forms of security screening that could work, in addition to effectively enforcing those systems already in place.  In this particular case, the young man’s father actually went the embassy in Nigeria and warned them of his son’s intentions.  In every incident there have been traceable warnings.  We have had sufficient evidence.  Presently billions of dollars are being spent on technology that makes us less secure, because we are screening people who are not a threat, namely the US population.  When we put our energy in one direction, we move it away from another.  In this situation, they are rerouting attention away from the actual threats.  A variety of security consultants have specifically said that we need to focus on identifying the terrorists and their patterns instead of their tactics, which are always changing.  Their suggestion is not to put money into X-ray machines that will have a genocidal effect on our population, but rather into an intensive examination of evidence, as has been put forward in each of these bombings.  In this way we would have a focus on the actual problem instead of on innocent global and national populations.  The security systems in Israel are the best in the world, and they utilize this approach.  It is not a “profile approach”, which could be considered against the US constitution, but it is an anti-terrorist approach.  Given the amount of onslaught in Israel, they seem to be doing quite well without subjecting their population to this “needle in a haystack” methodology.  Using a priority system for classifying travelers and people has been executed in some countries very successfully.  People have the right to request a TSA non-radiation search, which may include dogs sniffing for chemicals, as well as, in high security cases, a strip search.

I am urging you to start expressing your concern now.  We must strongly protest to convince authorities that this is a dangerous, thoughtless, and genocidal approach, which will increase the risk of cancer, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and brain damage to our population. The risk/benefit analysis does not justify these measures, which are at best foolish and genocidal.

Dr. Cousens suggests four points of action:
  1. Demand that Congress mandate TSA’s radiation experiments be strictly voluntary.
  2. Demand the right to request that TSA conduct a non-radiation search of our persons.
  3. Demand our right to abstain from security procedures that may harm our children.
  4. Initiate an e-mail campaign to convince TSA and the airlines that forcible assault by radiation makes the cost of an airline ticket impossibly prohibitive.
You may leave a note at this link: The TSA toll free comment line is: 1-866-289-9673.

Blessings to your health and spiritual wellbeing.

Dr. Gabriel Cousens

Letter to Congress
Below is a template you may use to write to your Senators and Congress(wo)men:

Dear (Senator/Congressman/Congresswoman),

I am writing to express my concern over the TSA’s use of back-scatter X-ray machines for passenger surveillance at airports.  These machines are an invasion of personal privacy and a serious health risk.  Beyond the reflection of a naked image for security personal to scrutinize, these machines expose the passenger to ionized radiation, of which extensive research has proven, there is no safe dosage. People have the right to request a TSA non-radiation search, which may include dogs sniffing for chemicals, as well as, in high security cases, a strip search.

I urge Congress to mandate that the TSA’s radiation experiments be strictly voluntary.  The health of our population and future generations should not be jeopardized to ensure its own security.  If safety measures must be taken, let’s be certain that they are truly safe.

(Your Name)

Letter/Email to TSA
Here is a ready-to-use template for writing to the TSA:
To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to express by concern on TSA’s use of back-scatter X-ray machines for passenger surveillance at airports.  These machines are an invasion of personal privacy and a serious health risk.  Beyond the reflection of a naked image for security personal to scrutinize, these machines expose the passenger to ionized radiation, of which extensive research has proven, there is no safe dosage. People have the right to request a TSA non-radiation search, which may include dogs sniffing for chemicals, as well as, in high security cases, a strip search.

I urge that the TSA’s back-scatter X-ray scans be strictly voluntary.  The health of our population and future generations should not be jeopardized to ensure its own security.  If safety measures must be taken, let’s be certain that they are truly safe.

(Your Name)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In pursuit of beautiful.

Sitting here in a light green towel with water droplets falling from my hair down my back...I pout...I just want to feel gorgeous, smell amazing, be attractive and feel like a girl again.

I bought Dr. Bronner's baby soap tonight (which doesn't have any crap in it) and washed my hair with it. Upon opening the bottle though, I noticed that it didn't smell like anything. (My hands are now all chalky feeling from the soap, strange.)

I used it anyway and can't tell what my hair will be like when it dries...baking soda-eque I think.

Part of me wants to get in the shower, lather my hair 4 times over with shampoo and conditioner, get out and spray the most amazing smelling perfume (which I got for Christmas but has gone unused) all over my body, lather up in lotion and curl my hair.

Then there's a part of me that wonders what happens if I stick it out long enough.  I mean, my body must be going through some kind of transition, right? I know it is, I just don't know to what extent it's happening. And I hang in the city all the time, working, making my dreams coming true...and those girls, they are just outwardly pretty (some of them). They look amazing, eat well (enough) and stun the crowds.

I want to feel gorgeous again.

Does feeling gorgeous mean putting on makeup or smelling like you've been bathed in a bath of rose petals? Does it mean having silky smooth hair to run your hands through? Does it mean having perfectly white teeth and bright eyes?  Does it mean knowing how to put an outfit together? I feel like I'm teetering the line between old habits & a new way of life. Between wanting to fit in and just not giving a shit. Between beautiful/sexy/gorgeous to everyone else...and my new definition of beautiful/sexy/gorgeous.

The answers to these questions seem obvious, easy like "beauty comes from the inside" but it's not that simple once you're living this life style. I don't wear perfume, makeup, lotion and most days deodorant (I don't stink, I just don't smell like anything).  I don't use laundry detergent or dryer sheets. I don't use shampoo or conditioner (OBVIOUSLY) or body soap.  I don't use toothpaste or mouth wash (food grade hydrogen peroxide and some good old fashion floss...and brushing). Last week, I had a lung thing going on and my breath was gross no matter how much I brushed...and that was hard.

So literally, I'm left to smell like myself. And I don't know what that is. I don't know if it's good or bad or nothing.

All I do know, is that I want to feel pretty/sexy/gorgeous/beautiful again.

When the going gets tough...

The last few weeks have been tough eating wise.

My whole life I've started taking care of my body and then made my schedule crazy-hectic with tons of goals to reach because I started to have so much energy. Then, I start to go after those goals, lose sight of my health goals and everything comes tumbling down.

It's not that bad this time, luckily...but yesterday it got pretty close. I ate a cookie (and I've eaten some other not-so-good-for-me-items). It was not very good and didn't even compare, not even a little bit, to the raw chocolate, coconut truffles I made last about amazing! I meant to take a picture for you, but I'll be making some more this week and will post the pictures then.

So, I haven't been writing because I feel like I don't know what to say. Or maybe it won't be interesting. I feel like I understand so much and know so little and when I go to put it into words it runs and hides in the deepest corners of my brain never to be extracted into type.

The one thing I will mention is that I had the best body work session with a long time jinshin jitsu, myropractics worker last week. He opened up so many different areas of my body and it has helped me become very clear.  He's studied Chinese medicine for the past 40 years and he is now 60. He looks, maybe 40, with gray hair. So, I asked him his opinion on raw food. He launched into the "original sin theory." I thought, "Great, I'm orignally sinning." Ha. Just kidding.

What he explained was fascinating. He explained that we are basically living within a society that "guilt programs." Feel guilty for being fat so get skinny, feel guilty for calling in sick to work, feel guilty, feel guilty...feel guil.... This is crap.

So, he asked me, "do you enjoy eating raw foods?"
"Is it working for you right now?"
"For the most part."
"Do you feel your healthiest & balanced and does it feel right in your heart."

So, he said, there is your answer. Raw foods are critical for the liver, to keep away from heart disease and for the intestines. They love raw food because it is so cooling for the body over all. The kidneys, pancreas and (one other organ that I can't remember now:-) need warm foods to nourish them.

He explained a lot more of the original sin theory to me and this guilt consciousness and it really opened up my eyes.

(My ego said, STARBUCKS!) But my body said maybe a little bit of cooked grain is right. The thought of eating a salad almost made me gag...and I LOVE SALAD. He reminded me to listen to my heart and that this truly is a different approach than most take but that it's actually okay to be different. It's okay to be different simply because if you are staying true to yourself, you'll never be disappointed.

I guess that's it for today. I'd love to recommend a great book I read through called "Rainbow Green-Live Food Cuisine" by Gabriel Cousens.  It's an amazing vegan book that includes the doshas (vata, pita, kapha-which is Ayurvedic), raw foods and doing what's right for your body.


Love. love. loVe. LOVE.

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