
Saturday, January 23, 2010

If my hair could talk...

…it would say, ”It figures that Terra just put molasses and oil all over me.”

So, one of my besties Jill gave me a basket of Eco Beauty products that she made herself! Most of the stuff smells delicious and it’s made out of natural stuffs (AKA recognizable foods), meaning that I can use it!!! So, last night I thought it would be a great idea to try it out.

The directions said to lather into my hair and let it set for 30 minutes. So I did.

Then I got in the shower to wash it out. It didn't really wash out. At all.

So, my hair was rather greasy all night but I just thought, "oh, it will wear off" (or something of the like) over night. WHAT?! Who thinks that? The oil was not about to just wear itself right off. So when I woke up this morning I jumped in the shower and covered my hair in baking soda. To no avail. It's still oily as all get-up. So, I threw it up in a pony tail-messy bun and figured that if anyone asks today, I'll tell them I'm doing this cutting edge oil treatment for my hair. Right.

Anyway, here is my favorite quote of the day I heard from someone while sitting at SWIHA working for Greg:

“If I had to choose one modality to treat patients, it would be food.”
–George, Masters in Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture

Pictures coming soon!

Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Greeeeeen Soup!

Pitter Patter go the drops on my tin roof. 

The smell of the desert during rain storms swings me right back into childhood. A return to the innocence of life.

So, I am working from home today because I'm stuck behind two washes that get going pretty fast (and become uncrossable). One of them was clocked at 60 miles per hour during a flood a few years ago. WOAH.

While in my adorable little place today, I made greeeeeeen soup!  It turned out surprisingly amazing and I wanted to share the recipe with you!  (Keep in mind I don't measure stuff usually:-)

In a blender, place:
3 torn up kale leaves (no for juicing)
Handful of Spinach
1 ripe avocado
1 tiny knob of ginger (cut up into little pieces)
Filtered water (enough so it blends but not so much that it gets too watery)
Couple dashes of Chilly Powder
Some Sea Salt
Couple dashes of Corriander
Couple dashes of Spike seasoning
BLEND AWAY. Sing a little song, love the stuff a lot.! Oh, it's so good! I can't wait for you to try it. AND remember to get creative with the spices you have at home!!

Happy drip droppin' day

i LOVE. LOVE. love. love. LOVE. you!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Way I'm Feeling

What a life, right?! So good, so so exciting too!

The past few days I have felt gas-ie and had a stomach ache. I think it's stress combined with toxins trying to release. I haven't made time yet to exercise and that's been a major no-no. I plan to go for a great run this evening and jump on the trampoline. I MIGHT even try to do a pull-up. Woah.

The energies around the planet are feeling intense as well. Today I felt really sad and down but I'm feeling fine again. I couldn't figure out why that was. The rain yesterday felt great to wash away some of that old 2009 stuff. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.  I love saying things in threes, threes, threes, it feels like I'm hammering it home.

Some days I don't even feel like I'm eating raw food anymore. It really is becoming a lifestyle. I don't have many cravings, except for an occasional sweet, but that's usually due to neglecting my  "coffee" (raw chocolate and agave nectar) drink in the morning. I didn't have one this morning.

So, I realize this post might be a wee bit disjointed but I thought I would share with you a "day in the life" of ME. 

Wake up, shower
Make tea, prepare my water (I add real sea salt, fulvic acid & MSM to it) and make my "coffee" drink
Prepare my lunch & snacks for the day

Leave for work

Work. Work. Work.

From here it is a gamble. Tonight will be a workout but sometimes it's just a hang out and a movie or work on all the other projects I enjoy.

I will keep you posted...the routine is about to drastically change:-)


Money & Health

I've come to realize in the last few months that budgeting and having a great relationship with money is a huge part of health!

I went to a 3 day conference called "Millionaire Mind" put on by T. Harv Ecker. He taught us one amazing principle that I implemented immediately.

Here it is:
Create 6 Accounts.
Necessity: 55%
Financial Freedom Account (FFA): 10%
Long Term Savings Account: 10%
Education Account: 10%
Play Account:10%
Give Account: 5%

The Necessity account is for your bills, food, gas, etc.
The FFA is money to invest.
The LTSA is for a huge trip you want to take, a house you want to buy or other large things you want to save for!
The Educ account is to continue your education. He kept saying that, "If you're not learning and growing, you're dieing."
The Play account is for you to have FUN!!! This HAS to be spent every month on YOU. Something YOU want to do (of course you can pay for friends if that's great for you!). This helps build a better relationship with your money because you no longer feel guilty about spending it on nice stuff.
The Give account is to give back. To charity, to a friend, whatever. It's just important to create the giving and receiving cycle for yourself.

You can always play around with the different percentages according to what you need!

Personally, this has relieved a lot of stress from my life. I quit over spending and feel that I actually have a budget to do what I want. Last night I went to SWIHA and got a massage. They are only $33 for an hour with a student and $45 for a licensed practioner. I had a student. She was so wonderful and worked so hard. I tipped her $15 which I would have originally felt guilty for, but was AWESOME!

I felt so grateful that I had the money to give to her. I even tipped her before the massage started because that's when I had to pay. A little voice told me that the better I tipped (the more I was willing to release from my life to benefit others because I did not need it) the better the massage would be for me. IT WAS AMAZING!!

Lots and lots of LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

EMF (Electromagnetic Fields)


Last year, when I was VP of Student Government at ASU, I would get pounding headaches and the right side of my head would feel clenched, like the base of my skull was trying to visit my eyebrow after a long day under florescent lights and in front of my computer. It took me a long time to realize just what was going on.

After a few months of playing around with my sugar intake (which did have a huge difference but wasn't the golden ticket) it hit me that it was all the stuff vibrating around me! Just today, a friend e-mailed me and asked if, since I've been eating all raw, my sensitives to EMF's have increased. Surprisingly, because a lot of my other senses have heightened immensely, it feels as though the energy around my body is now better able to protect me against the EM Field of the computer. This only lasts so long though. By the end of the week at work (approx. 7 hours in front of the comp. a day), my head starts hurting and I can hardly stand to be under the lights or in front of the computer anymore.

The main increased sensitivity happens when I put my computer on my legs (as I have it now...and I just moved it off) and when I talk on a cell phone. I physically can't hold the phone to my head anymore, it instantly makes me sick. So I turn up the volume and hold it away from my head, even this little bit does wonders.
Texting doesn't have the same effect as talking does at all (for me anyway).

In my bedroom, I don't sleep with the computer on and it is ALWAYS covered or in a bag. The phone will no longer be as close to me or I plan to cover it up. Work is another story; I'm not the only one in the office, but I might start wearing a hat to at least block the light vibration from my eyes. This has helped in the past.

When I had my own office at ASU, there was a natural light in there so I could keep the fluorescents off and it made a WORLD of difference!

Anyway, another fantastic friend sent me some more great EMF information, which can be found here! A great thing to thinnnnk about!

Love. Love. Love. Love.

Don't Blame Your Genes: Bruce Lipton

Hey there sunshine!!

Click the above Title.
This little video is very fascinating about your genes and the role they play in your life!
Here's a little description:
"The groundbreaking work of Dr. Bruce Lipton says its attitude and environment, seldom our genes, that dictates the quality of our health. These hidden agendas that control our state of health reside in the subconscious mind and Dr. Lipton says a little re-programming can work wonders!"

Bruce Lipton is a pretty neat guy, to say the least;-)
Here we go into the BEST QUALITY OF HEALTH EVER!!!


Monday, January 18, 2010


Lately, it's been interesting. I've been extra busy but surrounded by people who are the ultimate in care-taking.

This morning, Bill (my mom's awesome boyfriend) started making me pancakes and THEN my mom told him I was "blogging". Haha. I thought that was adorable. Well, I am blogging but beyond that, I'm eating all raw food, meaning no pancakes for Terra.

It's still not easy.

While my body is not craving the bad stuff, my mind wants the comfort of someone else making me the food. Or I want to be able to head to the local coffee shop, grab a cup o' joe and a muffin or veggie wrap and be thoughtless about what I'm doing so I can "get on with the better stuff." Right now, everything besides my lifestyle choice of eating raw does feel like the better stuff. Even though deep deep deep down I know it's not.

I am currently drinking tea that is not loose leaf in water that is not straight from the spring. Right now, this is my compromise.

Anyway, off to enjoy the delicious Arizona rain!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!


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