
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

When the going gets tough...

The last few weeks have been tough eating wise.

My whole life I've started taking care of my body and then made my schedule crazy-hectic with tons of goals to reach because I started to have so much energy. Then, I start to go after those goals, lose sight of my health goals and everything comes tumbling down.

It's not that bad this time, luckily...but yesterday it got pretty close. I ate a cookie (and I've eaten some other not-so-good-for-me-items). It was not very good and didn't even compare, not even a little bit, to the raw chocolate, coconut truffles I made last about amazing! I meant to take a picture for you, but I'll be making some more this week and will post the pictures then.

So, I haven't been writing because I feel like I don't know what to say. Or maybe it won't be interesting. I feel like I understand so much and know so little and when I go to put it into words it runs and hides in the deepest corners of my brain never to be extracted into type.

The one thing I will mention is that I had the best body work session with a long time jinshin jitsu, myropractics worker last week. He opened up so many different areas of my body and it has helped me become very clear.  He's studied Chinese medicine for the past 40 years and he is now 60. He looks, maybe 40, with gray hair. So, I asked him his opinion on raw food. He launched into the "original sin theory." I thought, "Great, I'm orignally sinning." Ha. Just kidding.

What he explained was fascinating. He explained that we are basically living within a society that "guilt programs." Feel guilty for being fat so get skinny, feel guilty for calling in sick to work, feel guilty, feel guilty...feel guil.... This is crap.

So, he asked me, "do you enjoy eating raw foods?"
"Is it working for you right now?"
"For the most part."
"Do you feel your healthiest & balanced and does it feel right in your heart."

So, he said, there is your answer. Raw foods are critical for the liver, to keep away from heart disease and for the intestines. They love raw food because it is so cooling for the body over all. The kidneys, pancreas and (one other organ that I can't remember now:-) need warm foods to nourish them.

He explained a lot more of the original sin theory to me and this guilt consciousness and it really opened up my eyes.

(My ego said, STARBUCKS!) But my body said maybe a little bit of cooked grain is right. The thought of eating a salad almost made me gag...and I LOVE SALAD. He reminded me to listen to my heart and that this truly is a different approach than most take but that it's actually okay to be different. It's okay to be different simply because if you are staying true to yourself, you'll never be disappointed.

I guess that's it for today. I'd love to recommend a great book I read through called "Rainbow Green-Live Food Cuisine" by Gabriel Cousens.  It's an amazing vegan book that includes the doshas (vata, pita, kapha-which is Ayurvedic), raw foods and doing what's right for your body.


Love. love. loVe. LOVE.


  1. I don't care what you write...I love reading it. It is always interesting when you speak because you speak truth. Know that people are on this journey with you Terra no matter what. Warm body nourishes the organs...I like that. If you are making decisions with you heart and can differentiate that from ego than you are in good shape. Thinking of you.

  2. Now you're talkin!!!!

    Listen to your heart.
    Listen to your body.
    Listen, feel, listen, do~
    .... lovely~!
    however it all flows and goes will be perfect!

    and,,,, I did miss your words this week. I checked in several times looking for your new post. You were missed. :)

    I'm gonna receive one of those amazing bodywork sessions too. sooooo ready to open the spine again.

    Big Girly Hugs.....


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