
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pointed or Pointless

I didn't post yesterday. I just didn't feel like it I guess. Or maybe I just didn't know what to write about. Then, the question is, does it even matter? Is it affecting me? Is it affecting you?

I guess there's no real way to know, so I decided to just stick to the commitment. Quitting early on something that I know in my heart of hearts is right, is not for me. But then the question presents itself, if it's not right and it doesn't totally fit my mission & purpose for I "stick it out"? Who invented that saying anyway? Why would you stay with something if you hate it? For the money? For the company? For the people involved? Because you don't know what else you would be doing? Because you're afraid to leave? I've been asking myself this question a lot lately, with many areas of my life.

To answer all these questions for myself (which are still not solidified), I've been running two things around in my mind. First, a dear man that held a gathering for New Year's Eve with his partner asked me, "What occupies your time?" This wasn't, "What do you do for a living" which limits that you can answer. The second question forces you to answer what you do to bring in money...but what if that doesn't define who you are? Well, normally I would still just answer. But his question was very different and it made me wonder, "what do I and WHAT DO I WANT TO be occupying my time with?" What's actually important? I've been journaling about this and being brutally honest.

The next quote was from Ian Clark at the Longevity Now Conference back in September. He said during one of his presentations, "Be careful not to let the good and great get in the way of the greatest." Woah. This hit me so hard. I've always done what was "good or great"...but I've let those two get in the way of the greatest. Until now, I've been afraid of my own personal power. When my attention and focus is put whole heartedly thrown into something, I'm always successful. Anyone can be. With passion, direction, focus, creativity and intention, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. It's about waking up with THAT thing on your mind that makes you so excited to be alive and awake in the morning that you can hardly wait to spring out of bed.

Finally, I've been watching these videos:

All of this raises the question, is my life pointed or pointless? Am I making a difference or just trying to make it?

I've got my year planned out in "dreams with deadlines"...and they are accomplish-able but at the moment, I'm not on track. Hum, excuse me. I'm going to go and change that. Now that I'm thinking about all of this, it's totally ridiculous. Why wouldn't I be doing exactly what I LOVE all the time, making money doing it and being ultra successful? This is silly.

I'll be back.

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