OR IS IT? When we hear the word cholesterol, it's almost as if we have to label it the "C"-word, something dirty not to be spoken about.
This subject has confused me for a long time, so I thought it a good idea to start asking the people I trust and looking into unbiased resources.
DEFINING Cholesterol (Taken & summarized from E-Health MD):
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is made in the body by the liver. Cholesterol forms part of every cell in the body and serves many vital functions. Our bodies need cholesterol to:
- Maintain healthy cell walls
- Make
hormones (the body's chemical messengers) - Make vitamin D
- Make bile acids, which aid in fat digestion
Sometimes, however, our bodies make more cholesterol than we really need, and this excess cholesterol circulates in the bloodstream. High levels of cholesterol in the blood can clog blood vessels and increase the risk for heart disease and stroke.
- Our bodies can make too much cholesterol when we eat too much saturated fat - the kind of fat found in animal-based foods such as meat and dairy products.
I brought this information to someone I've been seeing for years who does body adjustments (has 5 degrees and 30 years of study into Chinese Medicine) and asked what he had to say about cholesterol. He added to this that the reason the body is producing the extra cholesterol is because it is trying to cover up internal "wounds" heal parts of the body that have been damaged by oxidation and free radicals. The body is always trying to heal itself.
So, now we know what cholesterol is, but how do we "lower" it?
The best place to start is by adding massive amounts of fruits and veggies into your diet, fresh juices & smoothies. Cut out red meat and alcohol, refined sugar & refined flour & drink plenty of spring water. If you have questions on this, don't hesitate, I would love to chat about it further!
Great resources to check out:
Dr. Mercola on Cholesterol
Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill- BOOK
Hats off to healing!
I love love love love you!
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