
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Support & Lessons

My Inspiration: Mister Hop.

Today I hiked up Camelback. It was good.

I learned 2 things.

First lesson. On the way down, I said "hi" and "good job" to just about everyone! It was so much fun and even if someone didn't respond, I just kept saying hi. One guy was almost to the top and he was obviously tired.

I said, "Hey, great job, you're almost there!" And he just turned around and said, "THANK YOU, that means so much, thank you!"

I kept walking and on the way down, another girl was exahsted so I said again, "Hey, you're doing amazing, keep it're almost there!" She looked at me, realized I was talking to her and said, "THANK YOU SO MUCH, I really needed that."

This reminded me that when you get support, like I do from YOU, it's so important to give support. Some people are not outwardly receptive. Some people hate it. But you never know who you're going to reach. And beyond that, it's keeps your own energy up.

Second lesson. On the way down, I hopped from rock to rock on the high or "pointy" spots. It made the speed of getting down unbelievable. The key was staying on top, focusing on the "peak" part of every move. This was speaking to my life too. Hop on the top because the middle and bottom don't matter: that's not where I want to any capacity. Mister Hop, up on top, is now my inspiration to "stay on top".

A NOTE TO YOU: Thank you for your support, for reading my blog, for the emails, texts and calls. It is spectacular to have you in my life and I am grateful beyond measure.

I feel great today. My mental clarity is improving, although still a little fog. I've had a ton of nutrition by way of fruit, shakes and superfoods. I'm never hungry anymore but the cravings are not totally done. They are VERY mental at this point and have solely to do with association, not actually wanting cooked food. When I actually think about putting something cooked into my mouth, chewing and swallowing, I'm turned off by the way I know it's going to make me feel. The shower I took today burned my skin a little bit. The chlorine made my skin really red and itchy. I'm stoked to get that taken care of within the week.

Love. Love. Love.

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