
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Indulging because...

...“It’s the last time for 365 days”.

So, I’ve had my last egg breakfast, hot chocolate and chai tea.

I have to admit that I’m getting really excited about starting out. Now, I’m running through my check list.

Jim made me four cd’s with positive music on them, thus making ditching the radio an easier task. Check.

I just unsubscribed to the two news sources that came into my inbox. Check.

Tomorrow, Jim and I will be headed up to Sedona for a RAW Chocolate New Year’s party and we will have the opportunity to get spring water from the source in Sedona. No tap water won’t be hard. I haven’t drank that for years. No bottled water at all will force me to plan ahead and make sure I have water with me everywhere I go, all the time.
Alcohol won’t be hard either. I used to drink like once every 3-4 months and 1 glass of wine would send me over the top of tipsy to somewhere else, soo right. Check.

I got rid of all the uncomfortable clothes in my wardrobe last week. Check.

If there’s a negative person in my life, well...there won't be for long. Check.

I have essential oils & incense (don’t love it anyway). I will have to hold my breath if I’m in public and someone lights up a smoke. Then I’ll run the other way. Let’s cross our fingers that doesn’t happen. Awkward. Jim doesn’t wear cologne, thank good-gosh-gollyness. That would be an awkward breath holding experience…for a year. Check.

I’ve been frantically looking for the best shower-water filter and I think I’ve found one. I guess the sooner I purchase, the better because I can’t shower …and that, my friends, could get gross. I figured out the shampoo & conditioner jig. More soon. Okay, lots of hugs won’t be hard…I love everyone. Check.

We don’t have a TV. So, not watching TV won’t be hard I guess. Check.

Goal for week 1: EAT as much raw food as possible. Stay full all the time. Eat tons of raw cacao in lots of different forms (it’s an appetite suppressant) and exercise my pretty little heart out. (Of course, follow all my rules too!)

This combination will keep my mind off other foods & negative influences creating a focus on the task at hand.

Okay, soon enough will come the blog about WHY I’ve chosen these specific things.

Until then, I love you!!!

Terra Rose

Friday, December 25, 2009

Jump. Pre-Day 1

"If not now, when" kept coming to mind and when I couldn't think of a great answer, I began.

This is my, if I may say, daring attempt to do a complete negativity detox. This means that everything that has provided anything less than the VERY BEST to my life, is getting ousted. Yep, EVERYTHING.

Lately, I have been closely evaluating what I consume, and not just through my mouth, but through all six senses. Taste. Sight. Sound. Smell. Touch. Sense. To my surprise, most of the thoughts I think, words I say and concepts I accept are simply due to what I consume. It sounds obvious, but if it is so, then why do so many people still consume the stuff that doesn't support the best life ever?

So, this is my attempt to see, hear, taste, smell, touch and sense ONLY the best...all day, every day for 365 days. I will write about it all the time...and...I will need your support. When you read blogs that inspire you, tick you off or make you squirm, Express it. If it never does, Express it. Cool or cool? VERY COOL;-)

There is no room for my judgment of myself or your judgment of me here, so I'll leave it at home and I expect you to as well.

Observations, support and questions are so, so very welcome and totally appreciated!

I promise to write everyday, unless, of course I'm on a hot air balloon ride around the world and my internet access doesn't work in the sky;-)

Thanks for visiting!

Oh, and the more the merrier. If you want to join me on this adventure, AWESOME. E-mail me at

I love you so much!

Terra Rose

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