
Monday, July 19, 2010

From "Professional" to Personal

Great news.

I'm starting my own business, finally. It's exciting for sure, and a little bit intimidating. Okay, totally intimidating. I have a lot of little emotional saboteurs to get over, but really, I think we all do.

This blog will become one that focuses on my OWN health journey and is about my life. The blog is evolving as I am so I thought it only appropriate to let you know:-) The new blog all about health can be found here: This blog will be LOADED with healthy, yummy, delicious information about how to live the best life ever. Even MORE than what appeared here, so hang on to your britches, it's time to jump into the universal flow of awesome.

On to other things. I can't believe it's been over a month since I posted here.

I COMPLETELY missed you. Seriously. I've thought about this blog, this little community we've created together here so often and yet, I couldn't bring myself back. I got stuck between this blog and the other one and so instead of over writing content, I didn't write anything. Has that ever happened to you? Getting paralyzed in the in-between. It's such a strange feeling.

AND, I have so much to tell you.

Do you remember that blog I wrote back in March/April about the universe telling me to quit my job(s) and to trust?! Well, the reason for it found me. I traveled to CA, CO, TX and then NY after I left my job April 15th. I had a one way ticket to New York after my Texas visit and I was really unsure about coming. I didn't know what it had in store for me. Everything seemed to align perfectly, however, so I came. I had a couch (the world's smallest...that ended up to be pretty comfy) to crash on, my friend Katie happened to be in town that SAME week between her Arizona and Italy travels, Jim was back in New Jersey and I had a little bit of money left. So, without a return ticket, I left straight away on a plane for New York.

I spent two weeks here and in the process, sort of ran out of money. One night, I was sitting in Border's on my computer looking for the Hippocrates Health Institute (which I thought was in NY) and found that it was in Flordia. Then the Institute for Integrative Nutrition POPPED into my head out of nowhere. I had found them years ago when I was looking for a nutrition school and so I checked out their website. They happened to be hiring. So, in an instant, I randomly applied.

I did not come to New York looking for a job or planning on moving out here.

I sent my application and resume in to the black whole of the internet world and went on a walk through Central Park with Katie. That was Thursday night.

Come Monday morning, I had an e-mail in my inbox asking me to take these extensive online tests and come to a group interview the following Thursday, 4 days before I was supposed to fly home to Arizona. So, I bought interview clothes and went.

There were 20 other people interviewed in person, all with tons of sales experience.

I left feeling like I had given it my all and would not be coming back to New York for that job.

A few days later, I received a call to do follow up interviews. I did 3 and then waited to hear back. A week later, I was offered a full time position and asked to move out to New York on June 30th, 15 days after I got the offer.

I sat on it for a few hours and decided that the synchronicity of the events was too much to ignore. That the universe had and HAS something in store for me in this huge, amazing city.

Now in New York, I'm having all sorts of experiences, including a wee bit of culture shock. I must admit that I thought that culture shock was for "the others" but it just so happens that it also happens to me.

Well loves, that's it for now. New York City stories coming shortly.

Mucho love love love love!!


Friday, June 18, 2010


It's crazy to me that just a few hundred years (probably way less than that) ago, being heavier was considered a very sexy trait for people, specifically women. It was a sign of abundance. So, darlings...let get back to it.

As you probably already know, fat is good for you. No, fat is CRITICAL for your body.

If you are working on a high raw lifestyle or just eating healthier in general, make sure to get your dose of amazing fats!

Here are a couple lovely ideas:
  • Avocados
  • Coconut butter (raw)
  • Raw goats/cows milk
  • Raw goats/cows cheese
  • Oils-olive, hemp, flax, coconut
  • Olives
  • Nuts (always soak them for 2 hours before eating!)
Love love love LOVE you!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sexiest Vegetarian Over 50

This is so much fun!!


It's bad.

OR IS IT? When we hear the word cholesterol, it's almost as if we have to label it the "C"-word, something dirty not to be spoken about.

This subject has confused me for a long time, so I thought it a good idea to start asking the people I trust and looking into unbiased resources.

DEFINING Cholesterol (Taken & summarized from E-Health MD):

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is made in the body by the liver. Cholesterol forms part of every cell in the body and serves many vital functions. Our bodies need cholesterol to:

  • Maintain healthy cell walls
  • Make hormones (the body's chemical messengers)
  • Make vitamin D
  • Make bile acids, which aid in fat digestion

Sometimes, however, our bodies make more cholesterol than we really need, and this excess cholesterol circulates in the bloodstream. High levels of cholesterol in the blood can clog blood vessels and increase the risk for heart disease and stroke.

  • Our bodies can make too much cholesterol when we eat too much saturated fat - the kind of fat found in animal-based foods such as meat and dairy products.
I brought this information to someone I've been seeing for years who does body adjustments (has 5 degrees and 30 years of study into Chinese Medicine) and asked what he had to say about cholesterol. He added to this that the reason the body is producing the extra cholesterol is because it is trying to cover up internal "wounds" heal parts of the body that have been damaged by oxidation and free radicals. The body is always trying to heal itself.

So, now we know what cholesterol is, but how do we "lower" it?

The best place to start is by adding massive amounts of fruits and veggies into your diet, fresh juices & smoothies. Cut out red meat and alcohol, refined sugar & refined flour & drink plenty of spring water. If you have questions on this, don't hesitate, I would love to chat about it further!

Great resources to check out:
Dr. Mercola on Cholesterol
Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill- BOOK

Hats off to healing!

I love love love love you!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Weight Loss, Fruit & Happiness

Summer is HERE! Who's excited?

I'm so amazed at the wonder of life and the way it has been flowing. I can't believe it's been so long since my last blog post, which wasn't even about food.

So, let's make this one juicy, baby.

A quick update about life:
*I've spent almost two weeks in the big APPLE & I just so happen to LOVE New York City. After 2 years of dreaming about it, I ate at Pure Food & Wine (the famous NYC Raw restaurant).

*I spent a week in Austin, TX with some of the most AMAZING people I've ever met. It changed my life. I "grew up" in the BEST way possible that week through insights, vision and support.

*Things have never been better.

*I NOW WEAR BETWEEN A SIZE 4 and SIZE 6!!!!! (Okay, this is sort of huge news for me because, as you know, I started the beginning of the year feeling icky...and funny enough, my secret is NOT eating ALL raw food)

So...WHAT IS the secret to going from a size 10 to a size 4-6 (depending on the brand) in 5 months without dieting AND keeping it off? Do you really want to know? Are you sure? Because once you know, you know and there is no going back.

Okay, well since you insisted...I'll tell you;-)

There are 3 main components:
1. Telling people I'm having "the best day ever" or that "I'm amazing" every time they ask. Not only that, but faking it if I'm not feeling great. Some might call that lying, but to me, it's just a sneaky way to trick my mind into being happy. The thing is that the subconscious mind does not know the difference between outer and inner reality. So, if you are outwardly expressing that you are crazy happy, you will become crazy happy and happy emotions help regulate hormones.

2. Eating loads of fruit. Depending on what I'm craving, I enjoy lots of fruit during the day and especially 30 minutes before meals.

3. Giving. I went to the Ghirardelli store to buy chocolates last week in NYC and randomly started handing out chocolates to the security guards at Rockefeller Center. After I offered one of the guards chocolate and he took it, he said to me, "Ma'am, is there something I can do for you?" And I replied with "No, I just saw you standing here when I was walking into the chocolate shop and wanted to bring you a chocolate." (And that's true). So he was like, "oh, wow" and then asked me lots of random questions about my life. Like, where are you from and what are you doing in NYC, etc. At the end of the conversation, he apologized for asking so many random questions and was like, "gosh, no one has ever just brought me chocolate before for no reason, thank you."

I believe the reason giving has helped me lose weight, is because my focus has shifted from being all about me, to adding massive value to other people's lives. From handing out chocolate to helping someone find there way in NYC, I've found how important it is to bring your gifts and talents to the world. You absolutely know more than someone else about share it!

Favorite juice of the moment:

*Pink lady apples
Juiced and ENJOYED!!!

QUOTE of the moment (on a huge Nike billboard sign): "PLAY TO BE REMEMBERED. WRITE THE FUTURE."


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